Skin irritations are very common between the ages of 16–24, chronic skin conditions are usually incurable but can be carefully managed with a good skin care routine.
Eczema is also referred to as dermatitis; it’s a chronic skin condition that makes your skin itchy, cracked and super dry. The two most common types are atopic eczema and contact eczema. Atopic eczema occurs mainly in areas where the skin folds (neck area, back and front of elbows, back of knees and feet), while contact eczema will occur most commonly on your ears, hands and feet.
Eczema is actually triggered by an overactive response by the body’s immune system. The current thinking is that eczema is caused by a combination of factors that include: genetics, abnormal function of the immune system, environment, activities that cause skin to be more sensitive. Don’t be alarmed though, eczema is not contagious, so you cannot catch eczema from coming in contact with someone who has it!
Acne is one of the most common skin problems you’ll come across; almost everyone suffers from some sort of pimple outbreak at some point in their life. Acne involves the blockage of small holes in your skin, known as hair follicles.
Your individual hair grows out of these small holes, called sebaceous glands. These sebaceous glands lubricate the hair and the skin to prevent them from drying out. They do this by producing an oily substance called sebum.
According to the NHS, more than 80% of cases of adult acne occur in women. It’s believed that adult acne occurs when there’s a change in hormone levels i.e. periods, pregnancy and polycystic ovary syndrome.
Rosacea is a chronic, inflammatory skin condition that predominantly affects the face. Rosacea can worsen over time when left untreated; rosacea can often be mistaken for acne, eczema or a skin allergy.
There are a few types of rosacea and these include:
- Erythematotelangiectatic Rosacea: Redness and flushing, with visible blood vessels.
- Papulopustular Rosacea: Involves redness, swelling and breakouts that resemble acne.
- Phymatous Rosacea: Causes the skin to thicken and take on a bumpy texture.
- Ocular Rosacea: Causes redness and irritation in the eyes and swollen eyelids. The person may look as if they have a sty.
Having problematic skin can be difficult, but you can find a skin moisturiser to help you overcome a rash and help you with your dry skin.
We’ve formulated an all-in-one multi-use Moisturiser to help combat all kinds of skin problems:
Formulated with essential oils to help you with your skin problems, our Moisturising Oil is the perfect all-rounder to help you overcome any and all skin problems. Our oil has been formulated with the following ingredients:
- Almond Oil: The presence of fatty acid provides the skin with a natural emollient which helps in locking the moisture of the skin; these fatty acids also tend to dissolve the excess sebum there by cleaning and unclogging the pores that resulted in acne breakouts
- Avocado Oil: Enriched with various nutritional and healing properties, avocado oil can be easily used to cure skin problems such as eczema; rich in vitamin E, A, B1, B2 and D, these vitamins are essential to attain an overall well-being. The texture of the oil is thick and waxy, penetrating deep into the skin taking away all the dryness and dullness of the skin. As eczema also makes the skin dry, treating eczema with avocado oil definitely proves beneficial.
- Wheat Germ Oil: Very high in Vitamin E, which is a natural antioxidant; in fact, the Vitamin E levels in Wheat Germ Oil is five times the amount than in any other oil. This oil also contains vitamins A, B, D, proteins and lecithin. The natural antioxidant makes it a powerful anti-ageing oil as it softens the skin whilst regenerating the skin and relieving eczema.

Maintaining a healthy glow is important, and ensuring that you’ve got the right skin care tips to hand is crucial, too. Following a day to day step could be essential to help you maintain your skin on tip-top form.
- Use either an oil-free moisturiser or a really moisturising oil on a daily basis; massage your skin using it, in circular motions and you’ll keep feeling and looking hydrated throughout the day. Ensure you moisturise every day and night.
- Apply sunscreen with SPF; as a lifetime of sun can cause wrinkles, age spots and other skin problems, you have to protect your skin from it.
- Ensure you’re eating the correct amount of greens and vegetables. Eating the right types of foods will promote radiant skin.
- Try to sleep up to 8-10 hours per night! If you’re not sleeping, your skin will get just as tired as you and begin to crack.
- Apply a cleanser! Wash your face in the evening and scrub away any impurities from your day. Cleansing will remove dirt, oil and other unwanted debris. Your skin will be feeling smooth by the end of it!
Now that you’ve got some tips on what to do, we’ve got one last tip: smile! Maintaining a smile on your face will help maintain the tone of your facial muscles and skin. You never know, you may be told you look 10 years younger than you actually are!